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Old 07-25-2016, 08:08 AM   #5
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Before all the high tech fish holds, they used to just keep them on water. I have had tuna kept wet and out of the sun that was fine by my standards for sashimi and everything else.

With the high hopes of being a lucky one, I carry a large white towel with me, even when I am just fishing YT and WSB. I throw this towel over my fish wet. The white helps keep them cool and being a beach towel, it also retains lots of water to keep the temp down and fish moist.

For the tuna, I took 60lbs of ice the other day with the intent of stuffing a fish with the ice. To replace this method, I am freezing 32 water bottles (they will stay frosen longer than the ice) in which I plan to make an incision in the belly just big enough to pull the guts out and stuff with frozen bottles.

I will say, having 60lbs of ice on the bow of my PA made the surf launch extra wet and the wind chop going out just kept going over the bow. I moved it to the back and called it my poor man's trim tabs. I am going to look into a bag with a good ergonomic fit for the stern of my PA, square/rectangular which is easier and cheaper to come by. I'm over the bow/kayak cut kill bags.......don't want that much ice and fish weight on my bow.

Sorry for the novel folks.
Climb, Surf, Fish, Repeat
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