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Old 06-04-2010, 12:11 PM   #21
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: san diego
Posts: 97
net requirement

I believe the CA law requires you have a net if you are targeting halibut. It's been a long time since I read that Reg and it never made sense to me b/c how can you prove you are or are not targeting a specific species. Maybe somebody else who has it fresher in their memory or somebody with a law degree can set the record straight.

I don't think PFD, horn, flares, type IV (throwable), and light requirements apply to yaks b/c it's they are not technically a "vessel" but rather a water sport device(that's why they don't require CF #s). But I definitely think lights are great idea voluntarily - it can be hard to see yaks from a boat. OEX sells waterproof Scotty lights that fit in the deck and are easily removable and pretty cheap. They don't require any wiring - 2 alkaline batteries. You could even clip a glow stick to a rod tip.
that's why they call it fishing
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