Thread: It happens...
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Old 09-05-2013, 12:12 AM   #28
Posts: n/a
Trace the problem...

Engines need three things
1) Air/compression
2) Fuel
3) Spark

Air is never the issue, so start at spark. Compression can obviously be an issue but it would be more pronounced symptoms.

Pull the spark plug wires and put it up against your wrist. Fire the engine. Did you get a little shock on all of them? Yes? Good sign. No? Work your way back from the engine to the battery. Everything working ok? Move to check fuel.

I'm not familiar with your setup, but if it's an outboard, you have a fuel cell, right? On that fuel cell should be an inline priming bulb? I'm sure that this isn't info you don't already know, but that priming bulb should be nice and firm. After your engine dies, if that priming bulb gets soft, you can start tracking the issue.

I think the clogged fuel intake is a spot on guess. Check the filter/coalescer depending on your set up. Injectors may be clogged too. Depends on the age and how you service your engine.

I'm sure it's nothing major. Bad fuel is a good guess too. Accidentally get diesel? Maybe there was condensation in the fuel cell? The recent heat wave can cause water to build up inside your cell/tank and depending where your pickup tube is placed you could be picking up diluted fuel.

Last edited by Drake; 09-05-2013 at 12:18 AM.
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