Thread: Trash Fish
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Old 10-13-2011, 11:15 PM   #29
blackcloud9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Big Rock, WindanSea, La Jolla
Posts: 413
Originally Posted by roby View Post
Great info...thanks for sharing.

If you don't mind, can you elaborate on the above statement. When I use jigs for rockfish I typically get bigger sized rockfish...
Thanks for the comment Roby. Great point.

My question would be: do you get ONLY bigger sized rockfish on the iron?

If so, keep at it!

I'm sure others will agree that the La Jolla area seems to be chock full of
smaller/baby rockfish schools - which I work hard to avoid catching. My
tackle preferences are focused on NOT catching 'whatever bites', but,
attempting to have patience until a larger model finds my offering.

So, while jigs can be very effective down deep, I'm sure everyone has
seen the four inch rockfish that get impaled on treble hooks of the 7-inch
irons. I have seen too many. Sometimes through the eyes, or snagged in
the stomach or gills. This is caused by using the usual indiscriminate
'jigging' action on the iron near the bottom. The same happens with using
J hooks and constant hooksets at every nibble.

If you are fishing someplace like Mexico: Colonet or San Martin on a 1.5
day trip where even the smaller fish are two pound class, then it can be
worthwhile. And sometimes you hit a rock locally where they are all good
sized fish and you're home free to fish whatever.

To summarize, I'm voluntarily limiting myself to eliminate the smaller
bycatch as much as possible. Since I prefer to use smaller, lighter reels
and rods for 'sport' anyway, its not the right tackle to fish a big iron.
Megabaits can be great, but again I'd be catching 'whatever bites' ...
big or small.

Hope that helps.
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