Thread: I 11S input
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Old 04-05-2018, 09:08 PM   #8
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Ever since the Mole was closed to hooping for lobsters due to MLPA, I wanted to find a way to hoop around the Avalon with kayak.

The Catalina Express does not allow kayaks on their ferries. The kayak rentals are not available at night. The boat rental is closed during winter months.
Even in summer they are available at night.
Sending a kayak to Avalon is costly and not practical.

I therefore bought a kayak (and found this site), so I could go hooping on the mainland. So far I have not done so due to safety concerns.

However, when I saw the i11S I had a new way to fish the Avalon. I have rented kayak at Avalon one time. It was paddling a cast iron tub with an anchor dragging behind it. Very heavy kayak. It was a very bad experience.

So far I have been to Avalon once with the i11S and plan to go back very soon. I wanted to post some pictures today, but had trouble uploading pictures again.

I will try to post a report when I come back.
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