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Old 04-24-2016, 09:24 AM   #6
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Humboldt
Posts: 3
I listened to the radio report and how the captain says his son did everything right with this fish. WRONG! First, you can't keep a Chinook salmon unless it is caught with barbless jhooks if trolling or barbless circle hooks if stopped and using bait. The circles hooks can't be more than 5" apart. On the radio broadcast he says you can't gaff a salmon. In their situation it wasn't a legal take because of the barbed hooks so he is correct in using a net, but if it was a legally caught Chinook salmon 24" or better you could gaff it. Your required to carry a net of 18" diameter at all times regardless if your targeting salmon. If they kept the salmon which it looks like they did then it was illegal and they are supposed to go to barbless hooks once a salmon is kept and since they were probably not trolling it has to be barbless circle hooks.

It pisses me off how regulated we are in northern California when you guys in SoCal blatantly break the law like this and have all these big party boats that rape and pillage the rockfish. They were fishing 300ft. We can't go deeper than 120ft because of yelloweye. You guys don't have yelloweye cause yall already killed them all. Your rockfish season is longer, you have better fishing weather, and you have more people and bigger charter boats while we have way less people, shorter seasons, worse weather, less places to launch, and most of our charters are 6packs, but yet our season isn't open yet and closes in october. Its bs!!

That being said if you ever want to catch a salmon or a real halibut like a pacific halibut from a kayak then get in touch cause I'm a licensed guide out of Humboldt. I have landed numerous pacific halibut over 40" up to 49.5" and lots of salmon to 39".
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