Thread: 10/25 Deeper LJ
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Old 10-28-2009, 10:32 PM   #19
blackcloud9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Big Rock, WindanSea, La Jolla
Posts: 413
Hobieuser - I work Monday thru Friday, 8 - 6, sorry no Mondays but I'm always out there alone on weekends.

Scallywag - Protecting Rockfish (aka groundfish) are a key reason for implementing the MLPA, if I'm not mistaken. Ask the guys up north where they closed all the spots.

dsafety - Why run the risk of killing a bunch of fish that are too small to use. Precisely.

TCS - I don't believe there is a size limit from DFG. Yes though there are size minimum lengths for sculpin, whitefish and sheephead, and be careful of boccacio and others.

Rockfish enjoy a closed season for a few winter months each year, and, you cannot target them deeper than 360', and they finally squashed the commercial bottom trawlers so there is already some help for them. These poor things were trawled by the ton in the past, for decades, which stopped in 2002. Here is more information than you can possibly absorb, but basically hook and line method gets a "Good Alternative" seafood watch rating.

PS If you want to save the Rockfish from people like me, donate here (they don't need the money though!):

Last edited by blackcloud9; 10-28-2009 at 10:49 PM.
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