Thread: LJ 9/16 am
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Old 09-16-2005, 09:42 PM   #10
Spinal Tap
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 132

Even though there are confirmed sightings of a GWS, I'm still more afraid of PBers and the street traffic at certain intersections.

I reasoned with another diver friend that an 18" bite radius probably belongs to a juvenile shark (~10-12') who is just starting to transition from feeding on fish to feeding on mammals. And when we're in the water our 3' long fins make most of us look 9-10' long, so a shark that size would think twice about before coming at us.

But if that shark really is 17' long, then it probably has a 10' girth. In which case, I'm staying on land until the vis. gets better. I just HATE being on the surface breathing up when the vis. is 6-8'. The Jaws theme always plays in my head and I get the visuals of a huge opened jaw with lots of teeth coming at me at death speed.


I saw a post by Volker (guy in the club) about two guys seeing it.

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