Thread: 11/2 La Jolla
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Old 11-02-2005, 01:19 PM   #1
Useful Idiot
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11/2 La Jolla

Had some minor electrical difficulty with the bait tank portion of my elaborate system of switches and wiring, but after some on the sand repair with only the assistance of a pair of dikes i was back in action and caught up with the crew at the pier around 7. Bait was easy and I came away with about 5 greenbacks, a mini spanish and a smelt. Drifted for halibut north of the pier for a couple hours with no takers so we began the long journey to the point, into the wind. Dragged macks all the way there with no signs of life and worked the kelp as much as we could handle until the muscle spasms in our arms and lower backs was too much to bear and we called it a day. Rough paddle. Didn't seem very fishy, but it was a beautiful day until the wind kicked up. Calmest I've ever seen the launch, as literal as ankle slappers can be interpreted. We floated onto the sand.
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