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Old 04-21-2010, 07:28 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2005
Location: In a house
Posts: 79
Tuesday 4/20 report

I would love to report something but it was not much.

Hey I can make bait, FUUUUDGE, only thing is I didn't say Fudge, what Movie, anyways got it bad no yellows and no whites.
Crazy day never the less for alot of guys.

So lets get this thing going.

Wake up late, hit the alarm and must have turned it off, whoops. Get out around 7:30 and I already see the happy paddle good for you whoever that was. Then I am making my track out and I run into another guy, Ratdog I believe was the mans name, nice guy, monster white in his lap, needs a photo so I take a water shot. He gives me the info and low down, which is what I thought, thanks ratdog for the heads up. Nice . On my way out I run into another guy, Twitchey I believe was this man's name, nice guy, monster white in his lap, needs a photo so I take a water shot. He give me the info and low down, which is what I thought and know from the ratdog, thanks twitchey for the heads up. Nice .
You see where I am going, good. I will let twitchey give the story because it is a good one, the guy fought that beast for, stop it, let twitchey tell the story, ok.
Anyways, doing everything I need to and no love. Then along comes Richard around 10:30 or so, super nice guy buy the way. Within 30 min or so he hooks up, blah blah blah, man it stinks around here what is that smell, crap its me I stink, I'm sensing a tail and a white strip down my back and arse.
I must say the day was a total loss, 1 fat ass calico, caught and released, 1 cuda caught and released, 1 pelican caught, I thought about he looked pretty tasty, off course released and my whopper of the day, a 40 foot Buddy Davis as it went flying right buy me hook my line. I tried and tried but I could not catch that one because you know I would bagged that toad and keeped it, oh well.
10 hours on the water and that's it. Oh almost forgot the two yellows that did not stick, both macs were flattend and the circle hooks did not stick, hook got kind of hooked back into the bait and the point was not exposed to hook into the fishes mouth, TWICE, OOUCH.
Got back in and see this guy get his car and trailer stuck in the sand and with alot of help from the rest of the yak navy and my truck we manage to get this poor bastard out before he loses his truck. Maybe good future fish karma
I hope the pics come out for Ratdog and Twitchey. It was great to finally meet some of you guys out there, I rarely get out, but am hoping to change some of that this year. I hope toget out next week for the big 40 b day. All the best to all, tight lines and see next monday and or tuesday.
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