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Old 06-06-2007, 11:42 AM   #8
Guerro Grande
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There are a lot of features to choose from when looking at a radio. Some brands might have a special feature that is unique, but for the most part, radios features are similar between brands. Most brands will have similar features on radios within a given price range. Most basic radios are waterproof and can receive the WX broadcasts. As you go up in price you'll see dual monitoring or scanning and longer-life Li-ion batteries. Top-end models might be able to monitor multiple bands (FRS/air/WX/AM). The high-end units may also have DSC calling features, GPS interface and a metal chassis. The selection of features will come down to the individual. Are you going to need to monitor multiple channels at the same time? Sometimes I'll monitor both 16 and 71 at the same time. I certainly don't need to do that all the time, but it is convenient. Do you need to receive WX broadcasts? You could check websites for info just before you go out and get just as much, if not, more information; however, if you are going to be on the water for 10 hours, you might want some updates. Do you need DSC capability? That depends on who you want to talk to. GPS interface? While that is a nice safety feature, I can only imagine that, if you really were in a dire situation and needed to send a DSC distress call, you might not be able to find the interface cable, successfully attach the cable without getting water in the jacks and hold both radio and GPS as you try to make the call. Sounds like too much for a kayak. If you're going so far offshore that you need worry about DSC distress calls, you might as well get an EPIRB. Look at the features and ask yourself "when would I use that."

I don't think you could go wrong with a Standard Horizon or an Icom. Both are very well made and should last for years with a few precautions.
I've had a couple of Standard Horizon radios that I've been using for years. They are very rugged and surprisingly corrosion resistant. My radio is always in the mesh pocket of my PFD and it frequently gets wet. No problems with corrosion-an occasional spray of T-9 Boeshield and it looks like new.
I prefer small radios that fit in the pocket of my PFD. If size is a deciding factor for you, maybe you should look at the Standard Horizon HX471S or an HX600S. Both have all the bells and whistles. The 471 is the old model and you might be able to find some good deals on one. I don't know if I'd want to pay extra for the HX600. It has a more powerful speaker, but the big change is an interface port for a GPS. The HX500S might be a better deal. It is the same size as the 600, but without the superfluous features.

The Icon IC-M88 is another very capable unit with a small form factor. You can even get an optional, fully waterproof speaker/mic (even with JIS-7 waterproof standards, most waterproof radios have exposed speakers). This radio also has 22 programmable channels for land mobile use. This could be useful if you do a lot of camping/road trips. Not necessary if you just want an "one-the-water" radio. The IC-M72 is a little larger (won't fit in a pocket), but has a 6W output. It is a very nice unit with a long-life battery.

I have not personally used Uniden or West Marine radios, but I have heard some negative comments about them. From what I gather, they are not as durable as the quality brands. If cost is the driving factor, then they may be the right choice. West Marine has a good selection of radios that cover the entire price range: see catalog.

The extended warranty is always a good idea.
Douglas Gaxiola
Team No Fish- Amateur Staff

Last edited by dgax65; 06-06-2007 at 11:47 AM. Reason: more info
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