Thread: CDFG
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Old 08-27-2016, 07:38 PM   #43
Fishing Patriot
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Originally Posted by Saba Slayer View Post just imagine you figured out how to go fishing without buying a the DFW is cash strapped because no one is buying a license anymore to legally there is no more cash to hire DFW Wardens to enforce the F & G laws...they have no money for computers, weapons, vehicles, or vessels to protect the resource...DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT COMMON FOLKS WILL BE GOOD PROTECTORS OF THE RESOURCE???
The amount of poaching that goes on now is unreal...could you imagine it without Wardens?
Please tell me how this will be a better state of affairs than buying a damn license and obeying a few rules to support the resource and habitat...?
No BS...just concrete facts...!
Jim, I am so sorry, you're absolutely correct. The DFG is sooooo cash strapped, that they're even hiring NEW OFFICERS!! Because that makes complete economic sense from a business prospective right?

Second, you're basically assuming that we as a recreational fishing community sucks, and we don't give two shits about our fishing resource. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If you can’t trust ordinary people not to victimize each other or our resources, how can you trust the state not to victimize us all or our resources? Are the people who get into power so unselfish, so dedicated, so superior to the ones they rule? The more you distrust your fellows, the more reason there is for you to become an anarchist. Under anarchy, power is reduced and spread around. Everybody has some, but nobody has very much. Under the state, power is concentrated, and most people have none, really. Which kind of power would you like to go up against?

Just FYI JIM, "Tragedy of the Commons" is an economic "THEORY". Definition of Theory= a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. Key words, (ideas, independent, to be explained). I didn't see: Facts, research, proof, results in there at all. Not to mention that it's a theory from someone with a degree in political science who spent their entire career teaching in colleges, so I'm sure she has a TON of experience with the wildlife. What I don't understand is why people think Anarchy is some fantasy, yet we participate in voluntary activities on a daily basis without the threat of force from government. And at the same time act as hypocrites, stating some THEORY as if its some sort of fact?? So please, stop acting like we're all a bunch of pirates raping the booty of the sea. If anything, it's the Commercial Anglers who are fucking up our resources, not the recreational guys.

A perfect example of communities who work together to protect their local resource can be seen on two episodes of Local Knowledge when they go down to Mexico, and learn that they protect their grouper, and have abalone collectives. Also, if the DFG cared about educating anglers, then why isn't there any required classes before getting the license? There are required classes before getting your hunting license, but not fishing. Why is that? You're connected with the DFG people right? Ask them that next meeting. Don't you agree that we could better protect our resources with knowledge, instead of GUNS? I know, because us fishermen are pretty damn scary.

You want some facts?? The first fishing licenses were issued in China in 1765! Before the chinese government stepping in, we had almost ZERO FISH in the ocean, thank god for the government and fishing licenses,

So let me ask, are we going to need to wait another 5 years for the "cash strapped" DFG to do some research on their MLPA's?? Us recreational anglers have yet to see any "FACTS" thus far. And we have YET to see the financials on how much of the license fee's are put back into the resources. Are we just supposed to blindly believe that it is, especially when the DFG reneged on the MLPA deal?

Do you honestly think the government gives a damn about our natural resources??

Here's a list of government's achievments:
1) 110,000 containers of nuclear/radioactive waste dumped into the ocean
2) mining has produced a legacy of toxicity–mercury, arsenic, cyanide, cadmium, lead, and zinc into fishing rivers
3) fracking’s toxic wastes stay in the ground and seep into aquifers, destroying the water supply
4) America’s Campaign to Eradicate the Wolf
5) Nonfarm citizens also have their water costs subsidized by people in other parts of the country. Dam construction and artificial waterways designed to transport that water enable people to populate such arid regions as Arizona and southern California->encouraging settlement of these areas at a higher level than would otherwise occur.
6) Death of whales, dolphins and other marine life, the use of underwater sonar by the U.S. Navy
7) Oil spills- yet we continue ocean drilling, and shipping of oil (even though healthy natural resources that are renewable remain outlawed due to power of the oil monopolies)
8) It is estimated that40% of the area of the oceans is severely degraded by human activities (COMMERCIAL FISHING)
9) Fertile lands have been transformed into highways, grazing fields, residences and commercial centers, AND non-fertile lands are turned into farms artificially greatly consuming water in great measures hurting fish and other natural resources
10) Exporting California water to China, amid a drastic drought (crony capitalism caused by government subsidies and intervention)

Honestly, I could probably make a book out of the information showing how Government is NOT the answer to protecting our natural resources, and how they honestly don't give a damn. But I'm sure all Government worshippers out there will just keep telling me to obey their arbitrary laws, and pay them to participate in my God given, Constitutionally protected rights.

Just remember, if you use the State as a measure of ethics, you're going to be disappointed every time. (slavery and genocide have been legal by governments in recent past).
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