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Old 10-04-2010, 07:37 PM   #26
BRTF...bought & paid...
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Originally Posted by jbm View Post
I'd like to come. Can someone explain in a little more detail what is involved? Does it require a whole day of being there? I've got kids, work, other commitments; but if someone can give me a better idea of what to expect, I'll make all the arrangements I can to come support a science based sustainability approach over the "hug the fishies" mindset.
Not to reiterate Paul's post, he is absolutley correct that we need everyone to do all that they can, whether they can attend or not.

If you are able to attend, expect alot of comraderie and support, and feel free to ask any questions you may have to get a better idea of what is going on...I'll refrain from elaborating on that further...

If you do plan to attend, I would consider planning to stay the entire day, usually they have the 'extensive public input' part at the end. At least that's how most of the meetings have been; mind you, this is after the BRTF announces what the detailed agenda will be for either that evening, or the next day, usually followed by one of the task force asking if they wouldn't mind repeating everything that was just said since they couldn't seem to comprehend it all...I personally think that is just a stall tactic to waste more time in order to cut short the 'extensive public input' session...but I digress.

Hopefully this meeting will be much more than smoke and mirrors, and all involved, including the DFG, will actually realize what is exactly at stake.

You sign up in the morning for your speaker card and have to have them turned in at a certain time. If you are uncomfortable, or semi-uncomfortable speaking in front of large groups, or don't know exactly what to say, not a prob, it is best to cede your speaking time to somebody else. They will do their best to convey the points you would like them to touch on.

Usually those who have never attended any of these meetings end up staying for the duration and leave with more knowledge of the entire process, more than what one could actually read about, better yet, fathom.

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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