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Old 12-08-2010, 07:45 AM   #47
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 754
I'm new to this whole process. How long does it take? What should I expect? I'm looking at taking the day off of work, but I would like to know how I should plan my day (I gotta give the wifey some kind of agenda). I'm from Los Angeles....thanks.
Welcome aboard! Thanks for pitching in when we need all the help we can get to defend our ocean access.

Please plan on arriving to the meeting no later than 8 am, an hour early.

The first thing everyone MUST do is get a speaker card. We should have people handing them out, but if we don't, you'll find a stack of them on a table at the meeting hall.

Decide whether you want to speak or cede (donate) your time to someone else on our side. We have heavy hitters who need it.

If you are willing to contribute your time, fill out the card, then find me or Wendy Tochihara. We'll match you up with a speaker. All those who cede time must be there when the cards are turned in.

If you are going to speak, fill out the card and turn it in to a commission staffer. Plan on 1 minute to address the issue. It could be more or less depending on turnout. This is the final scheduled hearing - expect a mob scene.

We don't know the size of the room. There's a chance it will fill to capacity. Take seats early and up front. If you're there, a blue shirt isn't.

The hearing will start at 9, if it starts on time. After any preliminaries, the public speaking session will start. It could go on for hours and hours. At the last meeting, it ran from roughly 10:15 to 4.

If you are ceding time, you'll be tempted to head out once your card has been turned in. Please stick around as long as you can stand it to lend support to our people. You want to be around for the UASC / SAC / PSO attorneys anyway.

Any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.
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