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Old 06-02-2023, 01:53 PM   #1
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What is in the name?

For a while I have noticed that many people miss-pronounce and or miss-spell the name of a popular fish.

Below is a chart that is guilty of this mistake.
I have seen it in a travel book for Baja.
A fishing magazine too was guilty of this mistake.
I have even seen it in a publication by government in California to teach kids.
I have heard otherwise expert fisherman commit the same mistake.
Including a sales person for a famous commercial seafood wholesaler.

Part of the reason could be the fact that Sheepshead Bay is a famous place on the east coast.,_Brooklyn

It has become such a pet peeves that I carry a laminated picture in my wallet with the information about the sheephead.

1-California-Pacific Costal Identification chart.

2-Wrong name as appears on the chart.

3-Sheepshead (with S), also known as Porgy. It is not found in Pacific ocean.

4-Discription. The word was spaced on purpose to highlight the letter S.

5-sheephead (without S).


I was also attacked on line by an angler who wrote, ?I can call it whatever I want?.
He was not smart enough to understand that one cannot call a fish by what they want.
Thus, he was ignored.

On a happier not below is my personal best caught in Baja.

7-My personal best. 15+ lbs.

Many people consider bonito a trash fish. This is a dish made by one of the officers of Stocked On Fishing
while fishing at Cedros Island.
Although one cannot taste from picture, the looks is one way to show the quality of the dish.

8-Bonito sashimi. Yam, yam.


Last edited by Mahigeer; 06-03-2023 at 09:28 AM.
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