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Old 11-29-2010, 03:58 PM   #35
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I have one and happen to really like it

Ok, I know all of the purists will hate me but I really didnt expect to get invited to dinner anyway.
I have an E volve and love it. I have operated it at all speeds and with the exception of top spped and a following swell it operates very nicely. Igot mine after a few torturous long days when My ass was whopped from cruising with Darkhorse and I didnt want to work to get back in.
A few drawbacks....
Battery life......running at high speed will kill your juice pretty fast this is solved for me by having an extra battery but these batterys cost I think 5 or 6 hundred each

People look at you funny as you blaze by them

Getting kelp caught in the prop .........can make night fishing entertaining, best to pedal at night and just have the e volve as a backup

Getting your line caught in the prop..... happened to me, it can happen to you.

Cost.... I got mine shortly after the big december 2 YT morning when there were like 5 hobie guys blazing in and looking very comfortable in their boats, and just HAD TO HAVE ONE Fine its like buying another boat. I happened to have a ton of cash my wife was unaware of or this never would have happened 1800 motors are hard to explain to wives who notice everything. If I die and she sells for what I told her it costs, well, you know the end of that story.

Had one corroded cable connector and Hobie had me fixed in 2 days, so the maintenance issues seem small after 8 months but the jury is still out for a few years on new products

In short its a good unit, best for taking a tired boater back in if he just doesent feel like paddling or pedaling. I have towed several friends back in while we talked and drank a few beers, it was convenient.I have also used my evove to race out to a kayaker with a broken rudder and no paddle ,,,,,,,,hmm to bring him aid, took me like 3 minutes
You have to take very good of the cables and protect all of the connections with caps and dielectric silicone to ensure corrosion doesent become an issue.

I fish to relax, I just began exercising at a gym so both bases are covered. If you want any more specific information concerning the evove dropp me a note

Lets hope the fishing improves soon, getting tired of the gym

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