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Old 12-20-2010, 11:08 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by blackcloud9 View Post
Thanks GregAndrew. Thats what I meant to say

So Aaron, if someone uses that "Edges of The Reserve" argument on you,
you have a softball pitch to hit out of the park.

(On the other hand, I also understand the sensitive nature of some of the
'activists' - even a picture of a great kayak catch is enough to
bring them to tears. Like my brother, who can't wait to get his
Nissan Leaf next year. )
recall that the reserves weren't necessarily going to increase fish populations inside, but the lame assed argument about larval dispersal. the "idea" was to have the fish larvae spread out from there and then the populations well beyond the reserves would increase.

problem is that even if that were true, and in reality it's total bullshit as where's the habitat and structure for the new larvae to grow, there's no way possible to measure the actual reserve effect. it'll take years for new populations to appear (think the slow growing calico) and even then, shouldn't it be the case that the larvae would have already dispersed and there'd be fish populations elsewhere.

fishing "the edge of the reserve" isn't going to affect the so called larval dispersions at all. the problem that they never bothered to address (well, why would they, it was NEVER about fish) was where are all the new fish going to live. hell, no structure, no fish.
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