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Old 12-01-2014, 07:57 AM   #13
Hunters Pa
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Here is the old thread.

Seems ironic that their own marketing pitch is "Why so many allow themselves to be led by the nose lacks plausible explanation. Perhaps you have been so lulled by the siren song of ignorance that you don’t even notice your white-knuckle grip on it. You feel bold and unique, but alas are nothing but sheep, willingly being herded to and fro.... Truth be told, you are being coddled by ethically challenged “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” marketers who layer imagined attributes specifically engineered to lead you by the nose. Should you decide to abdicate your ability to make decisions for yourself, then you are perhaps deserving of the pabulum they serve. ...(We demand) retribution for their outrageously conniving, intentionally misleading, blatantly masturbatory and fallacious ad campaigns. We demand the unmitigated, transparent truth. We demand forthright honesty. We want justice! Call ‘em out and line ‘em up against the wall... NOW."

(copied from a post by T-Rex)

Yes, Surfrider can claim that no funds from Stone were spent on pushing for the most restrictive closure possible. I can also tell you that when I was in college, when I was given some cash to help with rent/tuition/books I would take the money I had saved for books and buy beer, replacing it with what I was just given for books. It all goes into the general coffers and gets applied as they want.

Believe what you want, they say one thing and spend to support another.

Paul Lebowitz sums it up pretty well:

Originally Posted by PAL View Post
Stone's action - apparently without serious thought or consideration - is systematic of the problem "consumptive" outdoorsmen and women face. The knee jerk signing onto a feel-good message has an impact and corresponding consequences.

Stone realized a positive PR bump from MLPA proponents. Stone's name, compiled with others who jumped on board the closure train without thinking it through (save the ocean? sure), carried political weight that damaged our cause, contributing to the vast and unreasonable closures in Laguna and Malibu, and the La Jolla encirclement. Stone saying they didn't mean it is too little, too late. The damage is done.

I experienced the rigged kangaroo court (or kabuki if you like) political theater of the MLPA from way too close. I'm not ready to forgive or forget. I vote with my dollars. None of them will ever flow Stone's way.

One more note: a lot of kayak anglers and free divers gave up dozens and even hundreds of precious hours of free time to preserve coastal access. La Jolla would have been closed without the effort. WE made it politically impossible to shut down the north kelp. Every other user group that still enjoys access to LJ has our combined grassroots efforts to thank. If you weren't around for that nightmare, it may be difficult to understand the passion and anger the topic ignites.
OK, my rant is over. Sorry to derail your thread on a good day on the water. My PM to Silbaugh was just to let him know that there are wounds that are far from healing over this process and the way we were railroaded. Great fishing areas of Malibu are now off limits due to teh un-scientific and non-collaborative process we witnessed firsthand. The compassionate looks of dismay on the face of the board members as the high-school students that were bussed in cried over how we were destroying the (non-existent) coral reefs off California as their proud teachers tallied up the extra credit points.

I was trying to find and resurrect the list of major supporters of the closures but the boards on Jason's site seem to have been down for a while. When they are back up I will post, in another thread, the list of companies that helped take away our fishing grounds.
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