Tony, I agree. We should try to get that enthusiasm back!
I honestly think it has something to do with the heavy kayaks and gear we have to bring along.
I also think after the years of YT and WSB bites going off the chain, we were spoiled.
Originally Posted by ful-rac
Your enthusiasm comes thru....
That kind of enthusiasm has come and gone for us long ago. It's nice to see that your so fired up! Driving for hours and all day and all nighters are a thing of the past for us... were just interested in instant results now a days...and what's for lunch! But we still fish hard every week!
Redondos a great place to fish as long as you can launch off of the dock...otherwise it's a real pain. You can catch fish there pretty much all year round as long as your reasonable in what you want to catch. If you know where to look you might be surprised what you can catch there.
...not sure it's worth a 2 hour drive though...that's INSANE!