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Old 07-25-2012, 07:19 PM   #12
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987
Thanks for the write up, Trent!

A tiny fraction of my clientele bother to write up a report. The one's that do, though, tend to go above and beyond---Trent being one of them. I wouldn't have the business I've enjoyed for years without them. It should go without saying that I'm eternally grateful.

Then again, I know just who to call when that Winter-Squid starts laying down nicely.

Originally Posted by jimbo View Post
Nice fish!

Man, Josh really produces consistently. And for price, the services are an INCREDIBLE value. It would cost double or triple what he charges for a panga ride in most parts of the world.
Thanks, Jim. It was my pleasure having you along for a day as well. I'm honored when charter captains themselves realize, even they, might learn a thing or two. Being that Jim has a PHD, it's safe to say, he's one smart cookie. He was interested in White Sea Bass and White Sea Bass only. I just tried to keep the conversation revolved around fishing---in an effort to come across as an educated man.

After seeing this post I realized I never even sent your photos.

So here you go---enjoy!

Lastly, I'd like to thank Trent for the reading material. It took two weeks of post coffee, early morning rituals, to get through it.
Every morning before meeting up with clients has been educational. Very well written and informative. Thanks, again, and get ready for round two.
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