Thread: WTB: Hoop net.
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Old 07-06-2013, 07:22 AM   #13
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cheap DIY NET for smelt

this is what i do at the bay to catch smelt. get a bag that oranges come in. then get some bailing wire, you will also need zip-ties, a small float(styro foam works) and a 1/2oz weight.

assembly of the items

run the bailing wire around the opening of the orange bag to keep it open and zip tie it on round different spots. (small tubing used for drip sprinkler systems work too and no rust)
zip tie the weight on into opening ring (this is the bottom of your net)
zip tie the float to the opposite side. top side. and tie your fishing line to the top.
now if you assembled your DIY net right it should float with the mouth of the bag open.


get some bread and feed the smelt,( if your around docks or rocks, it wont take long for the smelt to find you)
cast just past the bread or feeding zone (they will scatter but they will resume feeding quickly)
when they are feeding around the net simply reel in fast and trap them in the net, dont stop reeling until they are landed.

works ok and is compact and cheap, also fun "fishing" for them
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