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Old 02-22-2008, 02:54 PM   #15
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
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Must of been...

Must of been a "small" shark to not be able to finish him off. I was lucky enough to see a full breach in La Jolla of a GWS in September of 01'(full Discovery channel style). It did a full rotation in the air and when it hit the water it looked like a car drove off a bridge. This took place in 110' off the northwest corner. Me and two friends had just put a nice Yellowtail in the skiff and heard an explosion a hundred yards away. There was a foam ball about 30' wide and we were all staring at a whimpering injured seal screaming, swimming around in tight circles for at least a minute, then it happened and kayak-fishing and night lobster diving changed forever. People who are in denial about large GWS in La Jolla year round are kidding themselves. I wish I could go back in time and turn my head so I could join the group of ignorant people.
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