Thread: Fish Report?
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Old 02-28-2008, 09:00 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by twitchy View Post
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You guys should lay off Dave (Dorado 50) or anyone else who catches "more fish than you". I'm proud of Dave, he's evolving. One day even you "knuckle-draggers" who have nothing to offer will figure it out. True, it will take hundreds if not tens of thousands of hours on the water, but it will happen. While this learning-curve is taking place for you, why not sit back and watch a little before getting upset. Once upon a time Dave would post often, in some peoples minds "too often". I can remember a couple of "sensitive-bites" that he openly shared the same day. I don't think anyone would get upset about a random fish report. Go ahead and give gps#'s, water temp, clarity, depth, iron-color, and time. I personally don't care who posts what and certainly don't consider myself someone who can say what is "too often or too sensitive". Simply, the idea that you "deserve" others hard earned information is ridiculous. Be happy with what you get, learn to read between the lines, and there is no substitute for time on the water.

Oh, by the way I fished today. The water temp was 58.1, with twelve-feet of visibility, tons of greenbacks, and an entire fleet of boats with not one fish caught.
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