Thread: Malibu X Tower
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:31 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by dgax65 View Post
I see that as the ideal fishing platform for the Darkhorse Kayak Fishing Guide Service. The client has to paddle out to the fishing grounds as Josh stands on the tower, scanning for fish. Just like on those fishing shows from the Gulf Coast; Josh would be up in the tower spotting fish and dispensing precious bits of fishing knowledge. And if the client farms a fish, Josh could teabag him.

lollollol lollol

Of coarse, for a pretty hefty additional charge $$$. Now if somehow I could attract beautiful women instead of middle aged men for clients, the extra fee could be waved.

On a serious note, I freaked when I saw this product on Bloody Decks. This is the best thing for kayak anglers since the Mirage Drive. My previous post on the tower is in no way a poor attempt to "pat myself on the back", more of an attempt to point out the huge advantage of being elevated. Even guys who can barely see (I know a couple), would be coming in with Yellowtail daily, not monthly, or a couple random times a year by accident.

If anyone wants to set up a healthy wager (anyone), I'm willing to bet a Yellowtail would be caught the first time out. Think of how much fun the side bets could be, for those not immedietly involved. Give me a sunny mid-week day, without a ton of clueless boaters, and I'm willing to take some cash $$$ from anyone, yes anyone. If this thing works in typical ocean conditions, I'm getting one, no matter the price.
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