Thread: Personal best!
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Old 03-01-2010, 08:29 PM   #35
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I agree, Scallywag...

Originally Posted by -scallywag- View Post
Sorry i moved this quote from yani's hali video thread so i wouldn't be jack'in...

I saw whitedog land this #60 without a gaff...although it was not really green...after a gut check and a few double takes while I'm yelling at him to get that fish on his boat before the dog gets it, he grabber her by the gill plate and iron and slid her onto his lap then put her in a figure4 while he tried to pop some gills....I'm not saying that its the best way but i like landing all my fish without a gaff (except halibut) and i've lost my fair share of fish boatside because of it....kinda levels the playing field and you still have the option to release the fish even after you have it on you're lap!

that fish is still UNBELIEVABLE to me....i've spend hours looking at that pic
in dis-belief!! not to mention all the sleep i loose getting up early to go find my own.

Definetely levels the playing field, especially with Halibut .

That said, yes, if you know exactly where to put your fingers...with a tired out, belly up problem! Then again, if you don't know "exactly" where to put those fingers, while maybe stoked out of your's going to be a blood bath! And I don't mean the fish, either .

Anyone who knows, knows! For those of you that don't, the gill rakers on a WSB are like razor blades. Might as well throw your hands into a jet engine .
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