Thread: "That Guy"
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Old 02-03-2011, 08:04 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
I've been told that the Darkhorse will fish for beer, (plus a small consulting fee). You can't do better than that.

For the record: When fishing with new clients---the beer stays on ice until a Yellowtail or giant White Sea Bass is on deck! After that, if you so desire to celebrate the life of your trophy, I'm not going to stop ya' .
As far as the original post, there's already plenty of great advice in this thread. Pretty much everything's been covered.

Something that comes to mind, though, is during a squid bite---I don't mean sitting in a couple mile wide area full of squid---I'm talking about an actual bite, when every rod in the fleet starts bending in sequence like we're doing the wave at a baseball game ---communicate with anyone in your zone when you hook up. Be polite, but make sure you get the surrounding anglers attention if they don't realize you're on. Watch your line, and warn anyone who might get caught up in your fish.

The same way you'd communicate on a sportboat when you're coming down the rail with a fish on, work together with your surrounding anglers. Just like fishing on a sportboat, it's far better to avoid a tangle then the alternative. Ya' know, sitting there in free-spool, waiting for that guy to land his fish? I don't know about you, but that's not my idea of a good time.

You're stoked if it's a deckhand or some old salt---short-pumping the Yellowtail to gaff in thirty seconds. But, if it's some guy who hasn't caught a solid fish in years---good luck! The bite could be over by the time you get out of the tangled mess. I see it all the time: guys with two rigs down, staring like a Deer in headlights as you're flying towards them. It makes no sense.

I'll guess I'll add something to the typical, warm-water, fly-line trolling situations you'll find, too. Something I often see is, someone trolling right across your heading, say 100' in front of you---then they just stop and sit there. No, I don't mean they saw an epic mark on the HDS and dropped and iron. I mean stop for no apparent reason, other than making you look at them, for minutes, and change coarse. If you realize you're in this situation, though, just keep moving forward so the other guy doesn't have to change coarse. I'm sure 99% of the time this isn't on purpose. So, no harm no foul.

Don't get me wrong, there's no straight lines in the ocean. Not to mention, the ocean isn't mine. Obviously. At the same time, the ocean is freakin' huge. Don't try to make it seem small .

Last edited by THE DARKHORSE; 02-03-2011 at 08:26 PM.
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