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Old 07-28-2014, 11:19 PM   #1
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Thanks for the positive feedback there, gents -- off to bed to do it all over again.

Originally Posted by Tandem Assassin View Post
Finally went out after two years - 7 yellows - 7 yellowfin and a 38lb. bluefin.

Felt f'n good to pull on something...

I bet it felt good to pull on something, Jeff. At this point, though, I'm on the fence about whether or not the thing you're pulling on? Is my leg. You mean to tell me. She gave you back your man-card and let you go fishing? I still can't believe you sold that perfect little boat (even for a lovely lady). Two years? Solid proof, though: it must be love.

Also. While on the subject. This is Fish Porn Friday; so no lame deck shots (of bait sized Yellowtail) please. I mean, come on, throw up a photo of a lit-up Tuna or something from that trip. That I'd love to see. Even one with fifty other guys (screaming at each other) as they're attempting to tie the world's largest knot. I'm talking full color popping off the screen. We're trying to enjoy our morning coffee before going to work here. For crying out loud. A sick bendo-shot -- something!
In all seriousness, though, here's hoping that's just the start of a terrific season for you, brother. May your next Yellowtail be able to eat those small 'kine on deck. And your next Tuna require a two speed reel and three gaffs to land. Congrats on getting out there.
With no further ado, folks. Thanks for your patience on this week's update. No more deck photos with tag numbers and such. Or, old school black and white film images. Unless they come with a cool story or are just, I don't know, up there in the coolness factor. This is indeed the digital era. So remember to take a lot of pics. Somewhere in there? Even you just might capture the money-shot of all money-shots. Honestly, it doesn't even have to be a big fish to make a quality image. Or a colorful fish for that matter.

It certainly doesn't hurt, though. And while on that subject. Yesterday's trip ended up being another long day on the water.

Just the way I like it. If you're going to put up a deck photo -- make it a colorful one please. With a monster in hand preferably (caught yesterday).

Since this is indeed a kayak fishing forum. I'll get back on topic. First up is The Man, the myth and legend in the making: Bert Vega

I swear every time I see this guy he's got a huge smile on his face. And a bent rod. He must be getting tired of catching Yellowtail by now.

On this day I saw him tossing them back in the water. Like they were nothing. When I grow up I want to be this guy. Great family man/hardcore angler with a smile on his face. Probably a good guy to have your back in a bar-fight, too.

Another lame deck photo I guess. With all kinds of product placement thrown in for good measure. Who knows, though?

Could be a cryptic clue. Shameless Lowrance plug. A big Yellowtail. I like the photo; it's my thread. Enjoy your coffee.

Don't you conservationist types worry, though. Plenty of Yellowtail are released. I do it all the time. It's nothing new either.

And if I'm being completely honest, it's not all that commendable. It's not some noble deed that gets you a higher place in Heaven. As much as I'd love to think so! If that were the case, I probably wouldn't be burning for eternity with all my friends. It's simply a personal choice. If you harvest within your limits -- that's your American right to do so. If you feel otherwise? Lobby to change it. I will say this, though, from a very selfish perspective -- it feels amazing to watch them kick off strong. Especially with Yellowtail. One of the greatest joys in fishing if you asked me.

Just ask this regular client who's got to be tired of pulling on, Yellowtail, by now. Especially one's this size. He absolutely destroyed the homeguard fish all Winter long with me. Plenty of times by himself after the fact (in the cold-water-months). And he's been spanking fish (I'm talking trophy fish), every-trip, for months on end now. Yes I'm proud of him and his progress as an angler.

On this day he got to see a fifteen foot, Great White Shark, from two feet away. Yes, it's a true story (it circled him three times). Of course he kept fishing. And caught this monster you see right here.

Then he thought it might be wise to release her to fight another day. Whether it was because of the GWS sighting; I don't know, Karma points? Or conservation efforts.

Is beside the point. It's a personal choice that he made. And it was only his choice to make. Definitely rad (yes I said rad) to watch this beast swim off. Something everyone should experience at least once. Or twice. Hell, three times -- just go crazy with yo' bad self! It really capped an already amazing day off with a cherry on top if you asked me. I'm a hopeless romantic, though.

This guy represents my status quote client. If there is such a thing: drops me an e-mail to set up a trip, never calls as strongly suggested (which really helps a guy who's on the water five to seven days a week), drops the occasional line to check in (every few months!), has a child somewhere in there -- amongst a few promotions in the midst of a lucrative career. Repeat for a year or so.

And one day finally decides to call. I then say: "welcome back to the pipeline". Followed by a day on the water shortly there after. A big fish and nowhere to put the thing is next. Quickly followed by rushing out to buy a Hobie kayak in most cases.

Alright. Enough already with the killing. Harvesting of fresh seafood all by your lonesome. Whatever you'd prefer to call it.

I'll go ahead and toss in another lame deck shot for your viewing pleasure. With a little psycho-bendo-shot action for good measure. I'm no doctor. But if this photo doesn't make you want to go fishing? You might want to get yourself checked out. I have no problem just coming out and saying it, either: ''there's something wrong with you".

I've said it before and I'll say it again: "a fish is a fish". And any, Yellowtail, is a good Yellowtail. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

While on the subject, though, I'm pretty sure this fish could easily eat some of those fire-cracker Yellowtail guys are keeping. Easily.

Above all, while fishing -- even kayak fishing is indeed a sport. For the most part it's just fun and games. A hoot. A diversion. From our everyday stresses of life (whether it's family related or career driven). It's got something in it for everyone. You could get pumped up by getting completely tooled, from a one-pound Bonito on a ultralight Trout rod. Which would indeed be a fight on two-pound line and a half ounce spoon. Or, getting smoked by a Homeguard Yellowtail; if that's what you're into. It's all good. Who's ever having the most fun is the big winner, right? Or so they tell me anyway...

I may not know much. But if there was a million dollar contest. A tournament if you will. For the guy who's the most stoked on the water.

And it was held on this day in particular? Hypothetically anyway. You would have certainly lost if this guy had entered. Guaranteed.
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Old 07-29-2014, 04:58 AM   #2
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I really admire you FOR dedicating time to post every week so that 'some' of us who have trouble getting out there to do what you're posting. Above all it's always a very good read.
Have you ever though about approaching a fishing periodical as a freelance writer, writing about the Kayak fishing? I understand it's gaining momentum as a main stream fishing activity (much like Fly fishing), and above all you do it so well. (Pics...Videos...narration!)
I'm right there with you Josh on the C & R! I remember many a trip where I'd stack my rod and help along the rail or "chum" if all the crew are busy. Or once I caught a few fish I'd hook a fish and hand it off to a kid or other passenger that hadn't caught something yet. That's how I kind of got my start building a rep on the boats (and why I get invited to come out to "boost the counts" when I was able and hopefully soon again).
Catch what you can use and release the rest, don't stock the freezer just yet! You have all summer and....it gives you a VALID excuse to go fishing! "Hey honey we only have a quarter fillet of Yellowtail left I "HAVE" to go fishing to stock up. This gives you married guys out there gives you a "REASONABLE" excuse to get out!
I only bring home a limit of large macks or bonito for Cat food treats.
I guess Tuna would be one of the only exceptions to this rule. However I don't bring home anything under 20#, both Tuna & "Firecracker" !!!
Thanks again for taking the time and energy to post for the rest of us to enjoy!
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Old 07-29-2014, 07:04 AM   #3
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I wished I live near the jewel!!!!!!! so jealous

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You only have one chance in this life...make the right decision(s)...so you don't regret it
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Old 07-29-2014, 07:17 AM   #4
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Awesome pictures and write ups! Thanks for keeping this thread going Josh!
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